Villanova is now an Antiracist University - is that a bad thing?
Rod Dreher wrote an article published in The American Conservative titled "What's Happening To Villanova."* Mr. Dreher provides a copy of a letter published by Father President Peter Donohue and then Mr. Dreher goes on to rip into the University because of the letter. If the only evidence is what is said in Father Peter's message, and that is the only evidence Mr. Dreher offers, then I have to disagree with Mr. Dreher's interpretation. Here is an alternative view of what Father Peter said: - We want Villanova to be antiracist. Good. I'm against racism and I'm glad Villanova is too. - Antiracist means justice and equity for everyone. I really like that comment. When the phrase "Black Lives Matter" first became popular didn't many people (including myself at the time) respond, "All Lives Matter." Here we have Father Peter saying antiracist doesn't mean we should try to protect one group of people, it means we should try t...