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Ignoring the accomplishments of the Trump Administration to the very end

 For the past four years, the media has downplayed, denied, or ignored the accomplishments of the Trump Administration.  Record economy - just a continuation of what President Obama started.  Record low unemployment for all minorities - same.  First President since Jimmy Carter not to start a war or get into a military conflict - ignored.  And now the latest, crediting Biden before he's in office for accomplishments Trump achieved.

It started with the media falsely claiming Joe Biden will have the first female senior communications team.  Not true.  President Trump staffed his senior communications team with females.  

Then there is the appointment of a gay person to a cabinet position.  The media claims Joe Biden has appointed the first openly gay person to a Cabinet position.  Not true.  Donald Trump appointed Rick Grenell, who is gay, to be Acting Director of National Intelligence.  

When called out for their false reporting, the media rather than admitting this as a mistake instead got defensive.  In a rebuttal to the criticism directed to the media, a Washington post headline labeled objections by the Trump Administration officials as a "bizarre complaint."  The term "bizarre" was later changed to "peculiar."  Not sure what's bizarre or peculiar about wanting the media to report the truth.

That same article discussed the Trump Administration's objections to reporting that the Biden Administration appointed the first female senior communications team.  The column justified the previous reporting saying its true that Biden did appoint a female senior communications team.  What  and justified their stories by pointing to meager differences.  The Biden Administration will have one or two more women appointed to senior communications positions than the Trump Administration.  Pete Buttigieg will be the first person appointed to a cabinet position who will undergo Senate review and, presumably, approval, while Mr. Grenell did not go through that process.  

Specious arguments by the media at best.  The first question for any story is what makes this newsworthy?  Given how little space is available in newspapers today, why are you taking up some of that space for this story?  One justification for running a story is to say the Biden Administration is setting a new record.  Biden is appointing more female senior communications officials, he's sending the first openly gay person to the Senate for confirmation to a Cabinet position.  

It is common practice in any news story reporting a new record to discuss who held the previous record.  However, these stories didn't do that.  In these two stories, the justification offered in the initial reports was to portray each of these events as if they were the first time this has ever happened.  And that's a lie.  

A prediction for the future.  The stories above are only the start.  We are about to see an intentional and concerted effort by the Democrats and the media to wipe away from history any memory of the accomplishments of the Trump Administration.  Expect the media to credit Joe Biden for getting the Coronavirus under control and getting everyone vaccinated while saying nothing about how the Trump Administration brought us multiple vaccines in record time.  Joe Biden will be credited for bringing manufacturing of medical supplies back to the US and ignore the fact that it was President Trump who brought this about during the early days of the crisis.  If the economy gets stronger after the vaccinations are widespread, Biden will be hailed while President Trump's actions to make sure the USA economy was the least damaged of any major nation (other than China) will be ignored.

rebuttal by Washington Post:

Original headline was "bizarre complaint..."


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