Violence is not the answer

I rarely post political thoughts on Facebook.  It's a nice way to keep in touch with family.  I like to see the stuff they post.  I leave politics for this blog.  If they want to see my thoughts, they can come here.
But today, my nephew said something and it demanded a response.  I responded both to his comment and then posted my views on all the violence. 

I am reposting it here because this is where these views normally belong and some of the people who read this may not be on Facebook.  This is what I said:

I reject the idea that violence solves problems.  Jackie Robinson started dramatic change in American not by fighting back on the baseball field.  He started change by turning the other cheek and using his talents to show people they were wrong.

Martin Luther King, Jr. continued that process not by fighting back when Alabama police turned hoses and dogs loose on him and his marchers, but by maintaining peaceful protest.  Reverend King created change by showing he was better than those who oppressed blacks and by using his words to show all Americans a vision of our country that everyone could rally behind.

The two influenced Americans of all colors to change their perceptions and they, and their followers, did it with peace. 

No violence after tragic events this century (e.g. Ferguson or Baltimore or now) has accomplished even a smidgen of the change for blacks in America that Jackie Robinson and Martin Luther King Jr. accomplished by demonstrating peacefully.


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