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People formerly associated with Donald Trump are being prosecuted and the problem is....?

Watching a clip of Chris Hayes, of MSNBC, on his show "All in."  The title of the clip - as seen in the link below is "Trump surrounds himself with criminals."  He then lists 7 people who were convicted or, in one case, are being tried.  

I'm curious Mr. Hayes - whose administration prosecuted those individuals?  Oh yeah, it was the Trump Administration that demonstrated no favoritism toward people aligned with the President.

And during the Obama Administration, was anyone convicted for using the IRS against conservatives?  No.  Was anyone convicted or even punished for the Fast and Furious incident resulting in the deaths of American lawmen?  No.  Was anyone in the responsible agencies for deep water drilling punished for the massive screwup involving the Deepwater Horizon oil rig polluting the Gulf of Mexico?  No.  Was Hunter Biden investigated for the lucrative contracts he obtained using his father's name?  No.  Did the Clinton pay for play program while she was Secretary of State that so enriched her family lead to any charges?  No.  Did Hilary Clinton's sending of Classified information to non-secure servers, including them showing up on the computer of criminal Anthony Weiner's lead to any charges?  No.

In a number of those cases, while they were still being investigated, did President Obama declare there was no crime before the investigation was closed?  Yes.  And were those investigations, surprise surprise, closed with no charges?  Yes.

When President Trump wants Hilary Clinton investigated - people object.  When President Trump wants Hunter Biden investigated, Democrats start an impeachment investigation.

Why is it only Republicans can be prosecuted and not Democrats?

President Donald Trump promised to drain the swamp and he's doing it even if it means allowing people formerly close to him to be prosecuted.  Can anyone say President Barak Obama did the same?

Remember a couple of years ago when the media claimed President Trump was hampering investigations and ruining the professionalism and morale of law enforcement?

I think folks shouldn't be criticizing President Trump for letting the chips fall where they may and having the courage to let his Justice Department do their jobs.  Folks should be asking why President Obama didn't?


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