New Words for the English Language
It seems that any time a person opposes something they are labeled - at least that happens to Conservatives. Racist, misogynist, Islamophobic, Homophobic are terms tossed out when a Conservative stakes out a position in opposition to something the Democrats propose. I'd like to offer some words that can be applied the other direction. Ameriphobia - I'm adapting the definition of the word Homophobia* here to define Ameriphobia as: dislike of or prejudice against the United States of America irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against the United States of America and it's government fear, hatred, or mistrust of the United States and anything it does as an official action. I debating whether to use LEOcism or LEOphobia for my second term - The LEO part of the word stands for Law Enforcement Officer and refers to any governmental official with a duty to uphold and enforce the law, whether those be federal, state or local. The definition would be si...