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Random thoughts

What did the Russians really do?

Assuming the Russians did indeed hack the Democrats, then what they did during the 2016 Election was simply reveal the truth to the American public.  Would we have gotten confirmation of the Democrat party organization's efforts to stop Bernie Sanders without the emails coming to light?

I once thought the media cared more about getting the facts out to the public than where the facts came from, but the last election proved that's only true when the information being circulated is about Republicans, not about Democrats.

Who really inappropriately influenced the last election?

Actually that would be the Democrat party officials.  Debbie Wasserman Schultz and a number of others resigned after it was revealed they had orchestrated the Democrat primaries to favor Hillary Clinton over any opponents, particularly Bernie Sanders.

Now some might say that Bernie Sanders was far too liberal to succeed in the general election so the Democrat officials did the right thing by helping Hillary Clinton.  There are two answers to that: first, what they did was contrary to Democrat party rules.  Second, there were two other candidates besides Bernie and Hillary at the start of the primaries.  The other two dropped out early on.  In my opinion they dropped out when it was obvious the Party officials were favoring one specific candidate.

My suggestion on the current collusion investigation

I'm sure this is a highly impractical suggestion for a lot of reasons but I'll offer it anyway.

With General John Kelly now moved to the position of Chief of Staff, my thought is that President Trump should offer the Director of Homeland Security position to Jeff Sessions.  As a US Senator, Sessions helped shape the Trump campaign policy on immigration so there is some basis for the move.

Then I'd appoint a new Attorney General, someone who supports President Trump and has a squeaky clean record when it comes to the Russians and I'd ask that person to re-assign the Russian collusion investigation to the FBI and DOJ.

Since Special Prosecutor Mueller can't be fired without cause and since he's viewed as squeaky clean and non-partisan (despite hiring only Democrats to his staff) I'd have DOJ give him a new assignment.  They should have him investigate Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation's pay for play scam while she was Secretary of State, Lois Lerner and the IRS actions against the Tea Party, and, more recently, the actions of the Aide to Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz who was arrested.

Fiction has become truth

In books and movies like the various Bourne novels and movies, the bad guys are people inside the intelligence community.  Sadly that is being borne out, pardon the pun, by reality.

Immediately after the Election and before he was sworn into office, the Intelligence Community began unmasking data about people on the Trump campaign.  Leaks started and have continued to this day from Intelligence agencies wanting to overthrow the will of the American people and get Donald Trump removed from office.

The Intelligence community is proving itself to be populated with people who, at the minimum, arrogant, self-centered, and power hungry.  At worst they could be considered traitors for seeking to overthrow a properly elected President.

Who is really helping the Russians?

It has been widely reported that a goal of the Russians was to disrupt not the election but the Administration of whomever was elected by casting doubt on the legitimacy of the outcome.

If that was their goal, then ask yourself - who in 2017 has aided the Russians in achieving that goal? I'd say the Democrats in Congress and their biased cohorts in the Media are their biggest collaborators.  Donald Trump's ego and inability to keep quiet on his Twitter account runs in second.


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