Wierd Ideas on Free Speech at Wellesley College Part 3 - What others said

The Editors at Wellesley College in their response to the critics would have you believe all of them are sexist.  Not true.

Here are some articles on the subject with very interesting views.  None of these are sexist (not a single one says the women of the Wellesley News Editorial Board have their pantyhose in a twist) and none of them were addressed in the Editorial response (with an exception on one point).  All of them say it better than I.  :-)

This is the article that first caught my attention - it is the one exception mentioned above.  The Editors do claim their call for "hostility" was mistaken to mean a call for violence.


Written even before the previous article, it severely criticizes the Editorial Board for "justifying violence against anyone who 'either continue to speak hate speech or refuse to adapt their beliefs' to accepted progressive norms."  As stated, the Wellesley Editors later said they were not calling for violence.


This article is a very authoritative dismantling of the argument that suppressing "hate speech" is not the same suppressing free speech.  It led me to the quote from Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes:


The hubbub over the Wellesley News Editorial was heard locally and around the world.

This appeared in the Wellesley Patch, a paper in the same Boston suburb as the college, this is a news story not an opinion piece and it also references an article in the Boston Globe.


Internationally, this article appeared in the India Times, although it appears this may be a reprint of an article in Bloomberg .  This article is interesting because it suggests Universities may restrict freedom of speech but it still opposes the point of view of the Editors that it is the job of the University or them to protect people from other views.



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