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Showing posts from October, 2016

Two great articles.

The first link below is a summary of two interesting articles.  The first is to an editorial in the Chicago Tribune calling on the Democrat Party to get Hillary to step aside. A key quote from the Tribune Article was: "It's obvious the American political system is breaking down. It's been crumbling for some time now, and the establishment elite know it and they're properly frightened. Donald Trump, the vulgarian at their gates, is a symptom, not a cause. Hillary Clinton and husband Bill are both cause and effect." The second article linked to is an independent study that concludes Hillary's nomination as the Democrat candidate for President should be invalidated due to fraud in the primaries. Then there is the Wall Street Journal article calling Hillary and Bill Clinton the "Grifters in Chief." the last paragraph should have been the

The Case FOR Trump (Updated)

After posting the case against Hillary, folks challenged me to be positive and make the Case FOR Trump.  Challenge accepted. Let me start by saying I'm not a Trump Fan.  Of the 17 people who ran for the Republican nomination, Trump was about #13 on the list.  That said, we have four candidates for President and we have to vote for one.  So here goes, the case for Trump. 0. Repealing Obamacare - forgot this on the original list and it's way to important to put at the bottom and I'm too lazy to renumber.  Donald Trump will work to repeal Obamacare.  The program is starting to crater.  Premiums are growing at rates of almost 20%.  Less people are enrolling.  Unexpecting citizens are getting hit with surprise tax penalties even if they do have coverage. Hillary Clinton will not repeal Obamacare. Advantage Trump. 1. He'll get things done - Everyone complains that Washington is broken.  Nothing can get done. Who better to change that than a guy who wrote a book ti

The Case FOR Trump (Updated)

After posting the case against Hillary, folks challenged me to be positive and make the Case FOR Trump.  Challenge accepted. Let me start by saying I'm not a Trump Fan.  Of the 17 people who ran for the Republican nomination, Trump was about #13 on the list.  That said, we have four candidates for President and we have to vote for one.  So here goes, the case for Trump. 0. Repealing Obamacare - forgot this on the original list and it's way to important to put at the bottom and I'm too lazy to renumber.  Donald Trump will work to repeal Obamacare.  The program is starting to crater.  Premiums are growing at rates of almost 20%.  Less people are enrolling.  Unexpecting citizens are getting hit with surprise tax penalties even if they do have coverage. Hillary Clinton will not repeal Obamacare. Advantage Trump. 1. He'll get things done - Everyone complains that Washington is broken.  Nothing can get done. Who better to change that than a guy who wrote a book ti

The Case FOR Trump

After posting the case against Hillary, folks challenged me to be positive and make the Case FOR Trump.  Challenge accepted. Let me start by saying I'm not a Trump Fan.  Of the 17 people who ran for the Republican nomination, Trump was about #13 on the list.  That said, we have four candidates for President and we have to vote for one.  So here goes, the case for Trump. 1. He'll get things done - Everyone complains that Washington is broken.  Nothing can get done. Who better to change that than a guy who wrote a book titled "The Art of the Deal."  Trump is a deal maker.  He's a businessman,  It's what he does.  Plus, the fact that Trump is not a hard core ideological conservative enables him to be more flexible in cutting deals to achieve goals. Advantage Trump 2. Jobs - Donald Trump has advanced the most forceful arguments about stopping the bleeding of jobs to foreign countries and bringing those jobs back to America.  He's bluntly outspoken abou

The Case Against Hillary Clinton

We have two of the most flawed candidates in history running for President but I really don't feel anyone has brought together the case against Hillary Clinton into a comprehensive list.  The media has been grossly guilty of protecting Hillary Clinton.  So I feel compelled to try to bring some of this out.  Time and space limit how much I can address but here goes: 1. Where have you been for the last 30 years? Proponents of Hillary say she has the best resume of all time.  First, that's not true, George H.W. Bush had a better resume.  Second, in response to that Donald Trump correctly asked the question above which asks what did she accomplish during that time in power? As a First Lady - remember HillaryCare?  She was given carte blanche during President Bill Clinton's first term in office to develop a health care reform package.  When it was rolled out it failed dramatically as being a bloated bureaucratic mess.  The opposition was bi-partisan. As a US Senator - ca