Trump has a point

Donald Trump has a point with his complaints about the non-voter determined processes for selecting delegates. True his campaign should be doing a better job of fighting for these delegates but the fact is the processes he complains about are anti-democratic.

The question people are overlooking is why are those processes set up?  The answer is to do exactly what Donald Trump is suggesting - to accumulate the selection power in the hands of a smaller group and remove it from the popular vote.

Why do party committee people endorse candidates?  Not to make sure the Party picks the best candidates but to enable smaller groups of people to make the choice of who runs or doesn't, which in turn makes the candidates beholden to them.

The different methods that Donald Trump is decrying fall in the same categories.  Caucuses that are attended by a fraction of Republican voters.  State Committee meetings where a tiny group of Party officials meet.  These are mechanisms for the Party officials to control who gets selected to run for office, giving those officials more power and disenfranchising the voters.

Again - those who say Trump should know the rules and do a better job of working the system are right.  But Donald Trump is also right in his criticism.  And his whole campaign is fueled by voters who want to blow up the Republican establishment and insider government/politics so there needs to be more attention paid to the fundamental point he is making.


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