
Showing posts from March, 2016

Is this what it means to be a Conservative or a Republican?

How are conservatives able to call Ted Cruz the real conservative candidate when he calls for police targeting and patrolling Muslim neighborhoods?  That's less government?  That conforms to the spirit of the Bill of Rights?  That's different than Donald Trump? Other candidates and Republican Party officials pushed Donald Trump to sign the pledge to support whomever is the nominee.  Now that Donald Trump is the nominee, where is their support?  What about their Pledge? Is that what the Republican Party stands for?  We lie to people we don't like to get them to play by our rules and then if the voters who make up the party pick someone we don't like we'll stab them in the back. Montana is like the last primary before the Party Convention and it looks like the Primary will actually mean something.  I don't know who I will vote for, I've never been a fan of Trump, but I'm pretty disgusted with the Party leaders and leading Republican...

What's good for the Trump Goose is not good for the Republican Gander

In 2015, as Donald Trump entered the race for President and began getting attention, the other candidates and the Republican Party officials made a big deal of calling on Donald Trump to sign the pledge to support whoever is the Republican nominee. Now that Donald Trump is ahead in the race, it's a very different story.  Republicans are saying they will never support Donald Trump. Party officials are trying to find ways to deny him the nomination.  Long time Republicans are talking about running a candidate as a 3rd Party nominee. Is that what being a real Republican means?  Lying, backstabbing, going back on your Pledge, and only supporting Republicans you like?  This may not be the Party for me if that is the case.

Hate speech

One reason for the protests and opposition to Donald Trump is that he speaks ill of other people.  Even President Obama has gotten into the act. I find the conversation by members of the media who support the President and the President's own comments to be highly hypocritical. Since President Obama was elected, Conservatives are routinely called racists just because they disagree with the President.  Keith Olbermann, Bill Maher, and almost all the announcers on MSNBC have been particularly vile in some of the things they say about Conservatives and Republicans.  US Representative Michelle Bachman was accused by the women on The View of hating children because she voted against Obamacare.  Mitt Romney was accused by Harry Reid (who was lying at the time) of not paying taxes and of being a bad Mormon. President Obama has routinely railed against the rich as have many Democrats, painting them as horrible people who are responsible for America's poor.  He hat...

Who are the real fascists?

T-shirts and newspaper cover pages identify Donald Trump with Adolf Hitler.  Yet who are the real fascists in this election? Is Donald Trump inciting demonstrators to go and disrupt the speeches of other candidates in a manner similar to the Nazi brown shirts of the 30's?  No he is not.  Its the liberals that are doing that, including the liberal group that encourage the Occupy Wall Street movement that ended up including anti-semites, rapists, and various and sundry other criminal elements and activities. Is Donald Trump calling for hackers to attack the websites - personal, business, and political - of his opponents?  No he is not.  That's the hacker group Anonymous. Is Donald Trump responsible for death threats being made against the family of his opponents?  No he is not.  It's the people who oppose him who are doing that. We are running fair elections here and so far a plurality of Republicans have chosen Donald Trump.  Her...