Media double standard

I'm attaching a link to an article describing a report by Megan Kelly of Fox News.  This appeared in early December after the shooting at Planned Parenthood by a nut job.

Ms. Kelly points to a number of instances where an event occurs that is viewed as "right wing" violence and the Media reacts harshly.  But when "left wing" violence occurs, the Media circles to find other reasons why the event occurred - absolving the "left wing" from blame or blaming the victim themselves.

The event in San Bernardino occurred after this broadcast by Ms. Kelly but I remember commenters on CNN immediately suggesting the event was another act of "right wing"violence before any facts were known about the shooters.  Credit goes to a couple of the moderators who, when one of their experts said something like that, were quick to point out that there were no facts to support that opinion.

I use quotation marks around the words "right wing" and "left wing" because I generally disagree with how the media defines right and left on the political spectrum.  For example, I do not consider a Muslim terrrorist to be a liberal.


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