Obama Follows Bush Policies

Interesting to see how President Obama is following in President Bush's footsteps on a number of important policies. For example President Obama is continuing:
  • To bail out AIG
  • The TARP program for Banks
  • To bail out of GM and Chrysler
  • The withdrawal from Iraq
  • Not releasing photos of prisoner abuse
  • Spending significantly more federal dollars than the amount of taxes collected

There are others, but time does not permit me to research them all. It shows that President Bush's policies were not so horrible as was suggested by Democratic candidates on the campaign trail.

At the same time, one must admit there are some things President Obama has done differently - environmental issues and cracking down on credit card companies would be two areas of difference that are notable and laudable.

There are areas, such as rgulatory reform of mortgage lending or types of stock trading, where President Bush did not have a chance to offer solutions


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