Commentators on Opposing Obama

I was moved to post my thoughts on President Obama's economic policies in order to, in some small way, counter the comments of pro-Obama media persons.

Specifically, Janeane Garofalo ranted (I believe on MSNBC) that everyone who opposed President Obama is a racist. She said a lot of other things derogatory about such opponents too -- tea-bagging, rednecks I think was another term used.

Paul Begala, a CNN commentator, said on the Don Imus radio show that everyone who opposed President Obama's tax policies were unpatriotic. He added a variety of other derogatory comments as well.

Well, if not wanting to see a return to the economic conditions that existed during the period of 1979 to 1982 makes me a racist or unpatriotic, then so be it.

Unfortunately, pro-Obama commentators don't seem to want to discuss rational arguments, they just want to resort to name calling.

p.s. Page back to my discussion of what is a conservative point of view if you wonder why I say "Pro-Obama" rather than liberal commentators. I do not know enough about the political views of Ms. Garofalo or Mr. Begala to definitively say they are liberal. Unlike the mainstream media I do not take the position that if someone disagrees with me then their political leanings must be the opposite of my own. But clearly, from their comments they are Pro-Obama.


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