Socialism? What socialism?

Remember when Sarah Palin and Joe the Plumber used the "S" word (Socialism) in the election? The media was up in arms. Yet she was not far off, just perhaps Gov. Palin and Joe the Plumber were labeling the wrong person.

Consider this story from the NY Times today titled Detroit Bailout is set to bring on more U.S. oversight which says:

"Congressional Democrats were drafting legislation Sunday for tight government control of the crippled American auto industry, including the possible creation of an oversight board made up of five cabinet secretaries and the head of the Environmental Protection Agency and led by an independent chairman or “car czar.”

"Tight government control..." and "...oversight board..." If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck...

According to the article, this legislation is being negotiated with President Bush. Let's see where he stands on the idea of the Government having tight control over an industry.

I understand the need to lend these companies money and I understand the desire to make sure the investments are not squandered. But "tight government control" scares me. Does anybody really believe having a bunch of Cabinet Secretaries in Washington oversee auto manufacturers is going to improve quality or result in more attractive cars?

This crisis is causing us to head deeper and deeper into tight government control of the entire economy.


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