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Showing posts from November, 2008

Election 2008 - The Obama campaign

Barack Obama won the 2008 election because he and his campaign were very good. They were also a bit lucky in that their campaign was floundering when the economy began its melt-down. But luck, in this case, was where opportunity opportunity met capability. Plus it did not hurt that the Obama campaign cheated when it came to fundraising. Nevertheless, you have to give Sen. Obama and his campaign their due -- they ran a very good campaign and capitalized on the opportunities given to them. A key reason Sen. Obama won, in my opinion, is that he put forth a positive message. Ironically, I'm reminded of the campaign results of Ronald Reagan. Both Reagan and Obama ran campaigns where they talked about what they would do as President and their messages were simple but powerful messages. In both cases, the result was not just the election of a President but a shift in power in Congress. Sen. Obama's campaign was very good, particularly when the economy went into the tank. They

Election Results Part 2

2008 Election Review The Election is over and the worst has happened. The Republicans got what they deserved. John McCain’s campaign was run by boobs. The Obama campaign was very good and they benefitted from every media outlet not named Fox News having a collective thrill run up their legs at the idea of Sen. Obama being elected. And all of this coalesced at just the wrong moment in time leading to a tidal wave of voters dissatisfied with the way things turning to the Democrats. So it’s time for an election recap and then I’ll move on to using this space for discussing ideas for the future. The McCain campaign -- what a bunch of boobs. I’m not talking about Senator McCain here – he was magnificent. He provided leadership, he overcame disaster in 2007 – when his campaign was nearly bankrupt and he fired key campaign leaders -- to defy all the odds and win the Republican nomination. Then he overcame the odds again in the summer of 2008 to go from way behind Senator Obama to actua

Election Results - Part 1

2008 Election Review The Election is over and the worst has happened. The Republicans got what they deserved. John McCain’s campaign was run by boobs. The Obama campaign was very good and they benefitted from every media outlet not named Fox News having a collective thrill run up their legs at the idea of Sen. Obama being elected. And all of this coalesced at just the wrong moment in time leading to a tidal wave of voters dissatisfied with the way things turning to the Democrats. So it’s time for an election recap and then I’ll move on to using this space for discussing ideas for the future. Unfortunately as I started writing this article it ran on and on and on… So I will break this up and post it in three or four installments. Looking back at the 2008 elections it is obvious that the Republicans got what they deserved. During the 80’s and 90’s the Republicans were the party of ideas and the Democrats were intellectually bankrupt and rudderless. That culminated in the House Repu

Election night coverage

**Read this all the way through, there is a bonus surprise at the end.** There are lots of things being said about the Election Night coverage -- which I did not watch, by the way. I had a pretty good idea where things were going and did not need Chris Mathews and others to tell me what a thrill they have running down their leg (or was it up). Conservative media watchers are lamenting the pro-Obama coverage. However, regardless of your views, it was indeed, as one person compared it, like the Moon landing of 1969. This was an historic event so one has to suspend political beliefs as they apply to media journalism. That being said, here is a link to a really, really nice article on the coverage from Election Night. According to Ms. Werts, Sheppard Smith of Fox News is due some compliments for his handling of key moments in the evening. I'm not surprised, I have found Sheppard Smith to be quite good and enjoyable as a news anchor. If you are a Fox News disbeliever, I particular
Wow! I added some cool stuff to the Blog. Let's see if it works. First, I added a feature that lets me track my followers. I'll get to see if anyone out there is paying attention. :-) Second, I added a game -- Hangman. It is fun, but it does not function entirely right because if you win some text appears but I can't get it to scroll up on my screen. Oh well. I didn't invent it. Third, I added a tool by which you can click a button to make comments about what I have written. That is because it appears no one has figured out how to click on the comments button and type in comments. So I made it easier. I hope you like this stuff. I started working on a posting about the 2008 election. It ended up being very, very long. So I'll finish what I'm writing and break it up into parts and then post them one at a time. After that, I'm going to start writing about ideas - things I think the Government should be doing, or not doing. Until next time, be well. Ken