Disappointment with the campaign to date

Barack Obama is now flooding the airwaves with more advertisements than we have ever seen before. Because he is in the lead, his ads are very positive. Because he is a liberal, his ads promise all things to all people -- including tax cuts to people who do not pay taxes. Kudos to Senator Obama and his campaign. They have been pretty smart.

Meanwhile, the campaign for John McCain has been disappointing. John McCain made a difference in getting the bailout package passed and he did not capitalize on that at all. In fact, he allowed Democrats to wrongly get the message out that Sen. McCain injected politics into the process.

The McCain campaign spending their limited money to bring up the Bill Ayers connection via commercials also made no sense at the time those were released. They made no headway and came across as nasty.

Only now has the McCain campaign seized on a theme that works. The commercials tying Barack Obama to the liberals in the Senate and the House and then saying that John McCain represents real change are pretty good.

The other message that is starting to get out effectively -- pointing out Sen. Obama's class warfare campaign. The notion that Sen. Obama wants to rob from the rich to give to the poor. Americans generally have common sense and are fair minded. If it is pointed out, most Americans don't believe Sen. Biden's comment that it is patriotic to pay taxes and most Americans disagree with the idea that we should overtax anyone in this country to redistribute money to others.

But we still need to hear Sen. McCain's message of what he'll do for the economy spelled out more clearly -- coupled with the message of why Sen. Obama is wrong.

Right now, the Obama people are effectively pounding home the idea that Sen. McCain is only going to cut taxes for the wealthy and will tax health benefits and coupling that with their promises of "a chicken in every pot."

Don't do anything I wouldn't do, and if you do, don't get caught!



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