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Oh Congressional Conservatives, what have you done?

 The world is aflame, with terror attacks against Israel in the Middle East.  Antisemitism is on the rise across the US and our troops are being attacked overseas by Iranian proxies.  The Biden Administration is still planning on giving the Iranian Government billions of dollars, which will allow them to continue to fund terror.  The US economy teeters day to day on the news and people a fleeing to gold to protect their money.  The US government is weeks away from shutting down when the Continuing Resolution expires.   And the US House of Representatives was paralyzed because a small group of conservative Republican members, in a snit, voted out the Speaker of the House. Speaker McCarthy did something some members didn't like - he kept the Government running to give the House time to vote on a budget.  For that a small group of Conservatives decided Speaker McCarthy must go.  Okay, what was the plan after that?  They didn't have one. Congressman Matt Gaetz went on TV and insist
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Yes Jen Psaki, there is a "Woke" and people do know what it is.

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Trump vs. Biden - the Document Wars

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Why Biden should allow the Keystone Pipeline to go forward

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Republicans shouldn't get cocky

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The Biden Administration blew it on Covid

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Inflation stays until Biden and the Democrats go

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