
Showing posts from November, 2019

People formerly associated with Donald Trump are being prosecuted and the problem is....?

Watching a clip of Chris Hayes, of MSNBC, on his show "All in."  The title of the clip - as seen in the link below is "Trump surrounds himself with criminals."  He then lists 7 people who were convicted or, in one case, are being tried.   I'm curious Mr. Hayes - whose administration prosecuted those individuals?  Oh yeah, it was the Trump Administration that demonstrated no favoritism toward people aligned with the President. And during the Obama Administration, was anyone convicted for using the IRS against conservatives?  No.  Was anyone convicted or even punished for the Fast and Furious incident resulting in the deaths of American lawmen?  No.  Was anyone in the responsible agencies for deep water drilling punished for the massive screwup involving the Deepwater Horizon oil rig polluting the Gulf of Mexico?  No.  Was Hunter Biden investigated for the lucrative contracts he obtained using his father's name?  No. ...