Calling out Politifact for being Politically Incorrect
The text below is from an email I sent to Politifact pointing out an incorrect fact check of a statement by President Trump and calling on them to retract and correct it. I'm not holding my breath. Ken Fody < > to TruthOMeter , PolitiFact/status/ 1171215126302732288 Above is a link to your tweet about President Trump's comment. I'm appalled but not surprised that you ignored what the President really said and fact checked something completely different. Your action showed laziness and sloppiness at best, and complete bias at worst. You should issue a retraction and correction. Your article of February 20th has a headline as follows: "Trump falsely claims Northam said he'd let doctors execute newborns." You rated the President's comment as false because "Northam, a physician, never said he would sanction the execution of newborns." ...