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Showing posts from August, 2021

Covid restrictions are Jim Crow 2.0 on Steroids

I got my shots.  I recommend everyone get a Covid-19 vaccination unless their personal physician says there is a reason they shouldn't.  I think most arguments I've seen against getting shots are silly.  Now that we've got that out of the way:  I am 100% opposed to penalizing the innocent (i.e. those of us who got shots) by making us wear masks to protect the "guilty" (i.e. those who did not get shots). The CDC released data today on Covid-19 cases.  According to CNN, more than 99.99% of people who are fully vaccinated have been safe from "breakthrough" cases resulting in hospitalization or death.*  ABC7, a local ABC station in Southern California, read the same report and puts the number at 99.999%.**  I got my shot so by the CDC's own numbers, I'm not at risk.   I am 100% opposed to Vaccine IDs or Passports.  It's ironic that many in favor of Vaccine IDs also oppose requiring IDs to vote.  But I'm opposed to Government issued identifica