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Showing posts from November, 2020

Let's get some facts on record about Coronavirus before 2021

 Prediction: In 2021, I predict President-Elect Biden is going to take steps that will make things worse, implementing his "national strategy," mandating masks across the country, and generally issuing edicts that negatively impacting the economy and make things worse.  All the while Biden will be saying, and the media will be agreeing, that the suffering is President Trump's fault.   After a few months, about May when experts are even now predicting vaccines will be distributed widely enough to create significant immunity, Biden will take credit for the vaccines being distributed and declare victory.  At that point, the media will be praising President Biden for saving us.   Before that happens, let's look back on 2020 at what really did happen, both bad and good. Bad - The Obama Administration depleted the US Govt. supplies needed in the event of a pandemic and the Trump Administration did not replace these in their first three years. Good - President Trump did clos

The difference a Justice makes

 It did not take long to see the importance of adding Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court. On Wednesday, the Supreme Court, by a 5 to 4 vote, sided with the Roman Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn and the Agudath Israel of America, an Orthodox Jewish group, and granted a temporary injunction blocking the State of New York from restricting attendance at religious ceremonies as the State has been doing.  The Majority argued the religious groups were likely to succeed on the merits of their argument that the New York limitations impinged on the First Amendment right to exercise religion.   Earlier this year, similar cases came before the Supreme Court where religious institutions asked that California and Nevada restrictions on church attendance be overturned.  In each case the Court decided, by a 5 to 4 vote, in favor of the State governments that the restrictions were not a violation of the First Amendment. There were differences between the State restrictions in that the restrictions New

To Supporters of Joe Biden - Is this the America you voted for?

  If Joe Biden won, and right now it appears he did, congrats to all who supported him. I'm curious though, if you supported Vice President Biden did you vote for him because you want America to be a country where anyone who disagreed with you and voted against Biden is to be put on a list ( )* and, to paraphrase the recent tweet by Jennifer Rubin of the Washington Post, be blacklisted from any government or corporate job and not "be accepted into 'polite' society?"** As I said, just curious if that's what you wanted because that's what is actually happening as a result of Mr. Biden being declared the victor. Now some might argue that had Donald Trump won, the same thing would be happening. Perhaps or perhaps not. But if it did I'd be speaking out against it because that's not the America I voted for or want. But Biden won and the question has to be put to those who supported him - is that the America you wa