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Showing posts from October, 2020

It's about the power, not the people

 President Trump grabbed one opportunity but missed another during last night's Town Hall on NBC.  The opportunity he grabbed was related to the Coronavirus relief plan.  The opportunity Trump missed was questions about dreamers and DACA.  Both could have been tied together to point out a consistent theme that I think could label the Democrat party for a number of decades - that the Party leadership cares more about power than people. During the Town Hall, President Trump was asked about passing another Coronavirus stimulus package.  He expressed a willingness to approve a bigger package than his negotiating team has offered in the past.  Then President Trump told the American people the obstacle was House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, saying "...she doesn't want to do it because she thinks it is bad for her election..."   The President seized that opportunity by delivering a message to viewers that Speaker Pelosi "couldn't care less about the American worker."*

Russia stole Hunter Biden's email? Who cares!

 CBS news recently repeated what they admitted is speculation - that the Hunter Biden email information being published in the NY Post was originally stolen by Russia in a "hack and dump" operation (see link below for details). To which I respond - who cares?   The issue should be less about where the information came from and more about is it accurate.  The origin of the emails should not be the question, if they are Hunter's emails then the media should be asking: Is it true that Joe Biden's son was engaged in selling to foreign companies or foreign governments access to Joe Biden when he was Vice President of the United States?  And specifically selling the access to foreign companies or governments who would directly benefit because Joe Biden was overseeing their country for the Obama Administration, e.g. Burisma and the Ukraine.   And just as importantly, is Hunter Biden doing the same thing now that Joe Biden is the Democrat nominee for President? Even if he'

Repealing Obamacare = loss of coverage for sick people? Not true

I don't care whether you like or hate the Affordable Care Act also known as Obamacare.  Let's dispel some misinformation. Will repealing Obamacare will cause all people with pre-existing conditions to lose coverage or being barred from coverage by insurers?  NO.  It's flat out not true.  Anyone who says it will result in loss of coverage due to a pre-existing condition is either ill informed or a liar.  I'll let you decide how to categorize the Democrat United States Senators making such statements at the hearings to consider the nomination of Judge Amy Coney Barrett. Why do I say that?  Answer: HIPAA  HIPAA means the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act.  It was sponsored by Senator Ted Kennedy and Senator Nancy Kassebaum and signed into law by President Bill Clinton in 1996.  HIPAA is mostly known today because TV cop shows constantly show police thwarted from getting key evidence because HIPAA prevents doctors from releasing information.*  While Privac

Key Points Made By Vice President Mike Pence in the Debate

 Vice President Mike Pence scored some key points during his debate with Senator Kamala Harris.  This is a recap of those points. 1. President Biden will raise your taxes - Kamala Harris, like Joe Biden, stated if elected the Trump Tax Cuts will be repealed.  Pence pounced on that.  He correctly pointed out that under the Trump plan middle class families across America all got permanent tax cuts.  Therefore, repealing the Trump Tax Cuts means taxes for middle class families will increase.   The only basis Senator Harris had for denying this obvious truth is by denying that middle class families saw their taxes cut under the Trump Tax Cuts.  That's just not true.  Millions of middle and lower income Americans benefitted from the reduction in taxes provided to them. Opportunity missed: Pence could have added that in addition to raising taxes on middle class families, repealing the Trump Tax Cuts will restore a significant tax deduction for millionaires and billionaires.  That would