Damn Government gave me a lousy $1250 while they handed millions to "Big Companies"
A friend posted a meme on Facebook titled "Trickle Down Economics" and it offers the following facts. $2.3 trillion was spent in stimulus this year That's $23,000 per working age adult (assuming 100 million such adults) The meme goes on to say but "you got 1,200 per person & big companies got the rest." The meme wraps up by showing President Trump's signature, clearly intending to hold him responsible for this atrocity. I did something I rarely do on Facebook. I posted a reply to something political. Here is a version of my answer. In 2008 when 10 million Americans* were losing their homes, how many people got a check in any amount? No one. Who did get checks in the bailout packages? AIG, Wall Street financiers, and the big banks - all of whom were involved in causing the economic meltdown. Contrast that with what happened this year, 2020. What happened to the average American: Every American with incomes below a certai...