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Showing posts from April, 2019

Medicare for All but not for me

I don't understand the attraction of Medicare for All.  The benefits are not that great.  The service will suck.  No one has yet talked about the impact on doctors and hospitals.  And it is NOT free.  People are so used to having commercial health care coverage they may have forgotten how an old style traditional benefit plan like Medicare works.  It covers 80% of what their fee schedule allows.  The patient covers 20% of the cost until they reach the out of pocket maximum.  That can be thousands of dollars.  Did you ever wonder why AARP runs all those Medicare Supplement commercials and makes so much money off that insurance?  It's because the Medicare benefits don't cover the costs so people who can afford it buy a Medicare Supplement insurance policy and people who can't end up financially damaged if they have bills or on Medicaid if the costs get really high. The other thing about the benefits is that Medicare is a program designed for people over 65.  How many