
Showing posts from February, 2019

Democracy Dies in Darkness - but who really turns out the light?

The Washington Post has adopted the slogan "Democracy Dies in Darkness."  That is intended to be a criticism of the statements of President Donald Trump, who has labeled some members of the media "the enemy of the public" and for the combative attitude the President and members of his Administration have shown toward the media.  But who is really turning out the light? If Democracy dies in darkness then presumably it flourishes in the light.  And I've always been led to believe that the truth is the light.  Let's use that premise and ask the question of who is turning out the lights? I'll grant the President helps to create some shade when his excessively large ego leads him to exaggerate and overstate.  I'll even concede that Michael Cohen was probably telling the truth or even understating it when he described ways President Trump may have worked to keep some stories out of the media.  The President is no choir boy. But the Washington Post is...

Free Enterprise or Socialism? How about neither.

A big debate these days is Socialism versus Free Enterprise.  I say neither.  I say we need a new direction - Fair Enterprise. I'd say the failures of socialism are self evident.  You can look at the extremes like the experience of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), the various "republics" of Eastern Europe that were satellites of the USSR, or Venezuela, where socialism was accompanied by brutal totalitarian regimes.  Or you can look at the European socialism of France, Italy, and Greece, where the people would sooner bankrupt the country, paralyze the government, or commit acts of violence than give up the giveaways to which they have become accustomed. With a history like that to point to how can anyone advocate socialism in front of an audience and not leave the stage covered with fresh vegetables thrown at them from the seats?  The answer is that unfortunately big businesses in the US have corrupted free enterprise.  Large companies...