School Safety, Gun Control and the March For Our Lives
I am in favor of measures that will ensure the safety of our schools and the children who attend them and for that reason I'm opposed to just about everything recommended by the students speaking at the March For Our Lives. What they recommend will accomplish nothing to further safety in the schools while they ignore ideas that will work. Furthermore, I find their bullying tactics of insulting and ridiculing on anyone who opposes their ideas deplorable. At the CNN Town Hall, the NRA spokesperson was called a murderer. At the March For Our Lives event, US Senator Marco Rubio was labeled a "Kid Killer." These high school kids are trying to portray themselves as the adults in the room but they are engaging in juvenile name calling that alienates people rather than bringing them together. Do they really think they have a better chance of success attempting to insult and intimidate or is that really intended to promote themselves into more publicity? Th...