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Showing posts from October, 2017

Puerto Rico's problems won't be solved if they fire the help

Next time someone complains about how long it is taking to get things resolved in Puerto Rico suggest to that the problems are both self-inflicted by the Government of Puerto Rico and by politicians in Washington who put political nonsense ahead of getting problems solved.. I've taken an interest in the story about the Montana firm hired to help restore power in Puerto Rico because it hits close to where I live and today the Government of Puerto Rico cancelled the contract of that Montana firm.  I just have to share some observations. We've heard stories of people dying and of the suffering in Puerto Rico that have taken place since the Hurricane hit.  By all news accounts, the lack of power is a significant contributor to the lack of progress in efforts to fix things down there.  In fact, today's news articles say that 70% of Puerto Rico's population is without power.  The Montana company has 100 people on the ground right now, fully provisioned - they

Intellectual Dishonesty on display

It really grits my buns when people are intellectually dishonest when arguing an issue.  Take for example the Opinion piece in the NY Times titled "Trump Takes Away Fundamental Health Care for Women" written by the Chief Medical Officer for Planned Parenthood, Raegan McDonald-Mosley.  Ms. McDonald-Mosley* starts her article with an insult, saying the "Trump Administration revealed its disdain for women," with the Administration's decision to modify the rules adopted to implement the Affordable Care Act's provision to cover birth control.  Really?  So that is the only possible reason for what the Trump Administration did?  The fact that the original rule was overturned by the Supreme Court and further Court cases are pending has nothing to do with it? Next we move to the real whopper - Ms. McDonald-Mosley claims "Birth control is not controversial."  Really?  Are you kidding me?  Contraceptives are highly controversial in many respects.  Ms. McD

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

Interesting article from, a pro-Democrat online publication about how Betsy DeVos (Donald Trump's Secretary of Education) is erasing President Obama's education legacy. (Link at the bottom of this article)   They list a variety of things the Trump Administration is doing to undo policies adopted during the Obama era.  Their perspective is that these things are all negative.  Permit me to offer a contrary point of view.  Let's go point by point:      The Obama Administration issued a rule saying Title IX, a law passed decades ago, protects transgender kids.  The article starts with a horror story about how a transgender child was treated and then laments that the Trump Administration is rolling back the Obama rule.  Then we have a quote from a Transgender advocate saying the message of the Trump Administration is that discrimination against trans people is okay.   But wait, the article points out that the Obama rule had previously been halted by a Federa

questions I'd like to see asked

When reading news stories or watching discussions on TV there are things I wish someone would ask and honestly answer.  Here are a couple of examples and I'll offer more over time. 1. What did President Trump really say? The New York Times article shows the clear contrast.  The report writes: New York Times , May 16 : President Trump asked the F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, to shut down the federal investigation into Mr. Trump’s former national security adviser, Michael T. Flynn, in an Oval Office meeting in February, according to a memo Mr. Comey wrote shortly after the meeting. But President Trump really ask James Comey to shut down the investigation?  The same NY Times article quotes James Comey's memo to say that President Trump really said: “I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting Flynn go. He is a good guy. I hope you can let this go.” There is a huge difference between what the Reporter claims President Trump said and what the memo