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Showing posts from July, 2016

How many people does it take...

One woman accuses Bill Cosby of drugging and raping her and people believe his denials.  Many women accuse Bill Cosby and the number of accusations has people convicting him. One FBI agent writes a book in the 1990s decrying Hillary Clinton's behavior in the White House and people shrug it off.  We're now up to how many books?  One by an FBI agent responsible for White House Security.  One by a Secret Service agent who was on the Presidential detail.  Three by authors who hunted down different sources to write books. The authors include: Kate Anderson Brower, Ed Stein, Ron Kessler.  The Secret Service Agent - Gary Byrne.  I forget the FBI agent who wrote the book in the 90s. Hillary Clinton is described as being an arrogant, imperial ruler who has no respect or regard for the people who work for her and no respect for maintaining security when it is inconvenient to her. That latter point is really being proven by the email scandal surrounding her and the revelations com

Supreme Court ruling to strip medical protections for Abortion

Recently the Supreme Court voted to strike down a Texas law requiring doctors at abortion clinics to have admitting privileges at hospitals.  It's funny, I thought making abortion legal was about protecting the health of women - guess not. Remember when Joan Rivers died?  Right after that, Nancy Snyderman, at the time the Chief Medical Editor for NBC News, made the observation that it is important for people to see physicians with admitting privileges to hospitals when having outpatient surgery performed.  The context of the comment was that Ms. Rivers was undergoing what was thought to be a simple procedure in a doctor's office.  When things went wrong, the doctor - because he had admitting privileges - was able to immediately get Ms. Rivers admitted to a hospital.  Unfortunately, as events turned out, the hospital was not able to save Ms. Rivers. Here we have a Texas law that says abortion doctors must have admitting privileges to perform abortions and the Supreme Court

Women are liberated in all ways except one

Women can hold the same jobs as men.  They can play the same sports as men.  They get as many college scholarships and dollars for athletics as men.  Women can join the same clubs as men. Women are liberated in all ways except one.  They are not allowed independent political thought.  No that's one area where women are not allowed to be liberated. The latest example - Terry O'Neill, President of the National Organization of Women slamming the statements of female commentators on Fox News - "I think that anti-woman backlash is to be expected from anti-woman conservatives." But the limitation on liberation does not just apply to conservative women.  Gloria Steinem previously said that young women supporting Bernie Sanders were doing so because that's where the boys are.  Madeleine Albright on the same subject said there is "a special place in Hell" for women who don't vote for Hillary Clinton. Sorry ladies - liberation only goes so far and then