Health reform law - my response to a response
The "My Opinion" article on health care reform that the Town and Country got a response. Wow - what an attack. Here is my response to the response - I have submitted this to the Town and Country to see if they want to publish it. Title: I agree to agree, but without the name calling According to the national media, the proponents of the health care bill offer rational thoughts while the opponents are crazy people, yelling a lot and making nasty personal attacks – here in the Valley it is the other way around. Two weeks ago, I wrote an opinion piece explaining in detail why the new health reform law won’t work. Last week’s reply was – well, geeze, I don’t know what I said to bring that on. Ironically, if you overlook the fact that the author never contradicts what I said and omit the personal comments about me, the two real points the gentleman made were legitimate. First, the gentleman was critical of the efforts of the Republicans in the U.S. House or Senate. I agree....